Directions - Unitarian Meetinghouse
Unitarian Meetinghouse Social Hall, 121 North Pleasant Street, Amherst, MA. Use the side entrance, at the top of the ramp. If the door is locked, ring bell! Check the schedule to see where we will meet any given week.
Clean, soft-soled shoes required to preserve the floor. They should not leave scratches or black marks. We request $10 donation to cover the rent on ordinary Fridays ($5-$15 sliding scale); more for special events.
This venue is but a stone-throw from the Bangs Community Center . Parking is the same for either location. If the parking lots shown are full, there are many parking lots within a block or two, as well as on-street parking. Although it is rare, illegally parked cars have been towed, so please make sure you park in a legal space.